Hi Guys!
Im Magdalena from Poland.Today i start writin my blog about rats especially my two rats which i will have in this week.Am so happy about it and cant wait ..before i had one rats he was lovely but he was old and died..life... so I will write here about my lovely pets named Jozek and Filip. and take photos here etc :))) So i hope my bloog soon will be so nice :)) Greetings !
Rats are AWESOME and we have three rats slef and are getting 2 more in just under a months time so im lookinf foward to that: D and just last night we lost Joe installments. he was a year and a half old. eventully respratory His problems got the better of him. he will be missed for ever, just a couple of months ago and lost my first fat pixie she was 2 and a half years old. i will love her forever. as well. my 3 current rats are young so im just looking foward to a lie with Them. if you can and getting pet rats receomened! They are easy and do not ever smell as long as you clean a clump of Them! : D
author RatLover268
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W zakładce rats as pets masz kila złych informacji, szczury są płodne już od 4-5 tygodnia dlatego samce są oddzielane od matek w 4 tygodniu :)
Nie powinnaś polecać kupowania w zoologicznym, osoby z forum powinny o tym wiedzieć...
Masz też dużo błędów językowych, trochę bym tu pozmieniała ale ogólnie jest ok
fajny blog, treściwe informacje, nawet dla laika jak ja :)
przyjemnie się czytało.
Blog o szczurkach? Ciekawa odmiana, myślę że pasjonatom się spodoba;)
Życzę wytrwałości i dalszego zapału:-)
hey Magda...i like what u going to do here...
so go ahead im watching ya....
Hey Magdalena <:3 )~~ this site is pretty cool! Rats are awesome critters & so misunderstood.
keep up the good work! :D
Cool blog honey :) :*
magda you know i love you and love the way u writing this book.AHMED
I love pics of all these rats. Everything you wrote here is very important, and you gave us some advices about things I dind't know about. I'll try to change some things in treating my pets to be in closer relationship with them ;) I can't wait for more!
thats pretty cool
super blog tez mam szczurka i fajne sa te zwirzaki
aha..........right beneath your feet.....kiss your toes.....
i'm magda's rat too............
i'd love to wash your feet, and kiss it.....
peas in a pod.........oh my goddess......i'm so scared of you, i want to kiss your feet.
peas in a pod.........oh my goddess......i'm so scared of you, i want to kiss your feet.
peas in a pod.........oh my goddess......i'm so scared of you, i want to kiss your feet.
magda let's me suck her second toe too
one two three.........i got her....because i'm disgusting.....i have to count before i touch her toes
i'm your rat remember.......i
'd beg to kiss you....mwa ha ha...smoothly betwwen your soft thighs.....like thailand
may, may i kiss your feet.
wrap me up, before you even bleed - i must kiss and taste what pain you felt for one kiss
wrap me up, before you even bleed - i must kiss and taste what pain you felt for one kiss
chcolate candy - i always refer your foot...i'm so scared................:( ~~~~~~~~~~~~<---@
chcolate candy - i always refer your foot...i'm so scared................:( ~~~~~~~~~~~~<---@
Fajne te szczurki,miałem kiedyś dwa chomiki z siostrą i też kocham zwierzęta pzd:-)
Hi all, I'm Picasso! mice to squeak you! this is a great site!
I'm small grey and fluffy with big pink ears. I love to run round and round in circles and eat celery, carrots and walls. I like to cuddle up in front of the TV. I love people, I'm very sociable and at times can be quite vocal. I'm mostly nocturnal but will come out to scavenge in the day. I have my own 3 storey house complete with privet hedges. I am a spoilt brat rat! and my mummy and daddy love me loads and buy me everything I want! OH, & I have my own website, www,ratsratsrats.co.uk selling rats themed gifts!
ooops, that's supposed to be a dot, not a comma! tiny fingers, no thumbs!!) its www.ratsratsrats.co.uk
Rats rule, there is no doubt about it! yours are very pretty, they are lucky to have such a caring human.
Great site!
Piotruś :D <3
Sweet :)
kiedy przedstawisz nam sooje szczurki?
Bardzo fajny blog :) Można się sporo dowiedzieć o szczurkach, w sam raz dla kogoś nieobeznanego w temacie. Troszkę błędów językowych jest, ale to bez znaczenia, bo wiadomo o co chodzi. Powodzenia w opiece nad szczurami i w prowadzeniu bloga. Chętnie tu zaglądnę od czasu do czasu.
Pozdro Madziu :*
great start to your blog Magda! look forward to seeing what how your blog developes!
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